
Your Business Guide: Improving Workplace Indoor Air Quality

An average employee spends about 30% of their life in the workplace. And depending on the industry and business you’re in, you’re likely to spend more time sitting at a desk and doing computer or paperwork. This poses a risk to the health and wellness of office workers as most of them don’t get adequate exercise and are required to stay inside for the entire day.

If you’re a business owner looking to improve the health of your staff, you’ll need to do more than just hosting daily exercises or giving enough breaks. You should also work on your office’s indoor air quality. Doing so can provide your workspace with fresher and cleaner air while boosting your employees’ overall job performance. In general, it also helps relieve stress, restore energy, and makes a person calmer and happier. Check out the tips below to know how you can improve the air quality in your office.

1. Improve building ventilation

Improper ventilation can sabotage your employees’ productivity and focus big time. If you’re staying in a low-rise building or a one-floor commercial living space, opening the windows can let the fresh air inside your office. This reduces air pollutants indoors as airflow increases. On the other hand, if you’re situated in a high-rise commercial building, you’ll need to do more than just open the windows.

Another way to increase airflow is to ensure that any cabinet or furniture doesn’t block the vents. Doing so can reduce the likelihood of having cold or hot spots in the office. Furthermore, your building’s HVAC system should also be in proper working order. They can capture contaminants indoors such as dust particles and allergens.

2. Consider radon mitigation

While radon can be usually found at any real estate property, reducing its presence is recommended for health reasons. High exposure to radon can cause medical problems such as cell damage, or worse, lung cancer. To better improve the indoor air quality in your office, you can consider installing a radon mitigation fan that can reduce levels of radon. Fan-based mitigation systems are also useful for lowering humidity and reducing the growth of mildew and bacteria that can trigger allergies and asthma.

In terms of aesthetics, not to worry because these fan-based systems are more inaccessible and less conspicuous compared to exhaust or suction pipes. Plus, these systems are cheaper to install, which makes them ideal if you’re a small business with a limited budget.

3. Monitor office kitchen usage

While having an office kitchen is an amazing perk for employees, it can compromise your indoor air quality. As much as possible, avoid installing cooking equipment of any kind in the kitchen. Cooking can produce moisture, smell, and smoke. Companies often invest in electric stoves, microwaves, and ovens instead. Regardless of what you opt for, it’s best to install an extractor fan in your office kitchen. This helps you control the smoke and humidity in the room. Apart from that, ensure there are proper storage spaces in the office kitchen.

It’s better to opt for closed cabinets where your employees can store dry goods, dishes, or utensils. Also, ensure your trash bins have covers or lids. This prevents the smell of food residue or empty food packs thrown in the bins from polluting the indoor air. Lastly, ensure your employees don’t use the office kitchen as a smoking area or any parts of your office building for that matter. This prevents inviting indoor pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM), and carbon monoxide (CO).

4. Keep the office clean

clean office

A dirty workplace is more likely to have a build-up of germ, dirt, and dust that can impact both the office’s sanitation and air quality. Keeping the workplace clean can also prevent pests or allergic reactions. Ensure your employees also keep their own desks or workspaces organized and clean at all times. As for the common areas, you can schedule regular cleaning and sanitation services to prevent bacterial growth and other air pollutants from lingering indoors.

Air fresheners are also a great solution to keep the office smelling good and the air cleaner. If you don’t have an in-house cleaning and sanitation team, consider hiring the services of a professional cleaning company. They don’t only have the skills to make everything spotless, but they also know the safest cleaning products to use.

Improving the air quality inside your office will help you promote a healthier workplace for your employees. Keep in mind, though, that this wellness goal is a shared responsibility. Make your employees aware of the importance of keeping their workstations and other office areas clean. That way, you can succeed at creating a safe and comfortable workplace.

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