
Preparing Your Retail Store for the Rainy Season

It’s important to prepare your store for the rainy season. Oftentimes, people don’t think too much about the effects of rain on their stores, but it can do a lot of damage to the property. Rain can make building materials wet and weak, cause mold growth on your ceiling or walls, and lead to severe water leakage in your store if not handled correctly. So before you get caught off guard by this year’s rainy season-read this article for some tips on how to stay prepared!

1. Check your roof for leaks and make sure it is in good condition

Having a water-tight roof is important because it will prevent rainfall from leaking inside your store. Excess rainfall can lead to damages such as rotted beams and broken tiles, so get up on top of the building and get a good look at the surface. Look for uneven surfaces or missing tar paper that could indicate possible leakage in the future and call for roof repair services as soon as possible. Also, check that gutters are clean and functioning properly to divert water away from the store. Remove any leaves or debris that may be blocking downspouts or drains near the store.


2. Get your floor tiles checked for weak spots

There are some types of tiles that are more likely to get damaged when they get wet, which can be a serious problem if you have leaks on the roof that won’t stop! For instance, clay-based tile is very porous and flexible while concrete, another popular option in stores, is very heavy. Before you purchase new floor tiles, ask your supplier to recommend a tile that can handle water contact and pressure from high foot traffic.

3. Install a rainwater harvesting system to collect excess rainfall

A rainwater harvesting system lets you store water for later use in your store instead of letting it run off the edge of the roof. You can use the excess water to wash windows or flush toilets, which will save you money from using too much of your water utilities. Having a system like this is not only convenient but it’s also good for the environment because it reduces floodwater runoff!

4. Utilize air vents to keep your ceiling tiles free from excess moisture

Ceiling tiles can be ruined when they get wet, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. If you notice that your ceiling is getting damp and it’s not because of a leak in the roof above, then it might mean that your air vents are blocked. Blockage in these vents results in less circulation which means that excess moisture is being trapped inside the room! Make sure that you hire a humidity control service to keep your air vents clean and free from debris.

5. Add caulking, insulation, and air barriers around windows and doors

Weatherization is one of the most important things that you can do to your store because it helps prevent weather damage. If you have high-wind doors or windows that are hard to shut, then this might be a problem causing water leakage in your building. Weatherizing these areas will help seal them shut so rainwater can’t come through.

6. Prepare your basement

If there’s one place that is most vulnerable to water damage in your store, it’s the basement! All rainwater goes down so if you have broken tiles or leaks on the roof, expect rainwater to find its way down to your basement. This is something that you need to prepare for because there’s a big chance of flood damage if not handled properly. Repair any broken tiles and fix leaks immediately so water doesn’t get inside your store.

7. Be ready for customers who are sensitive to humidity

If you have a large number of customers that are allergic to humidity, then it’s important to have a plan for this issue before the rainy season hits. Hiring an air quality control service is one way to combat high levels of humidity in your store but you can also make sure that all fans and vents in your store are running efficiently. Make sure that A/C units are working well and keep the temperature at a comfortable level to prevent allergy flare-ups.

8. Have excess drainage ready in case of heavy rainfall

Having an excess drainage system is very important to avoid any flood damage if your store gets hit by heavy rain. It can be difficult to manage water problems on your own so it’s best to make sure that you know what kind of excess drainage service you can avail of.

As the rainy season nears, it’s important to take some time to prepare your retail store for potential water damage. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your store in good condition and avoid any costly repairs down the road. Have you prepared your store for the rain yet? If not, be sure to follow our tips so that you’re ready for whatever weather comes your way!

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