cafe business

6 Things To Remember Before Your Start Your Home Café

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has caused widespread job loss and economic instability, leaving millions without a reliable income. As a result, many people are starting their own businesses out of necessity.

While some of these businesses are brick-and-mortar establishments, others are home-based businesses that require little to no startup capital. The US Small Business Administration reported that half of all small enterprises begin at home. They discovered that there are 31.7 million small firms in the United States, of which around 15 million of them being home-based businesses.

One home-based business that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the home café. The best benefit of home cafés to owners is that a home café requires little to no overhead costs, as there is no need to rent or purchase commercial space. For customers, home cafés provide a more intimate and personal experience than a traditional coffee shop.

Opening a home café can be a great way to make extra money, and coffee is a popular drink everyone can enjoy. If you’re considering starting a home café, you should keep a few things in mind. Here are six things to remember to help you get started:

Big Space

Find a space in your home that’s big enough to accommodate a small café. You’ll need enough space for a coffee station, some seating, and storage for supplies. You may consider setting up your café in your living room, dining room, or basement. A perfect recommendation is for your garage room.

While a garage may seem like an unlikely place for a café, there are a few benefits to setting up your business in this space. First, garages often have high ceilings, allowing you to create a mezzanine level for additional seating. Additionally, garages typically have large windows that provide natural light and a bright atmosphere for your customers.

Create a Cozy Atmosphere

Your goal should be to create an inviting and comfortable space for your customers. This means considering the layout, furniture, and decor of your café. Cozy touches, such as plush couches or armchairs, soft blankets, and pillows, will add to the café mood.

It’s also important to consider the lighting in your space. You’ll want to avoid fluorescent lights, which can be harsh and create a sterile atmosphere. Instead, opt for softer, more natural lighting. Candles are also a great way to add some ambiance to your café.


When setting up your home café, it’s essential to consider security. This means ensuring that your business is safe from burglars and other criminals. Burglars often target homes they believe are being used as businesses, as they know that these homes are likely to have more valuable possessions.

Let’s say that your supplies are located in your garage area. You need to ensure that your business is physically secure, which might cause you to lose your supplies and earnings.

One way to do that is to look for the best residential garage door openers to adequately secure all your supplies. The best option is steel garage doors, for nothing beats its strength and security features. These are also not appealing to thieves because they are difficult to cut without making noise and don’t have the vulnerable spots that robbers look for in other garage doors.

In a home-based cafe, employees are sipping coffee on the balcony.


When starting a home café, it’s important to consider your target customer. Are you looking to attract families with young children? Or are you hoping to appeal to college students and young professionals? Once you know your target customer, you can ensure that your café is designed to meet their needs.

For example, if you’re looking to attract families with young children, you may want to provide a play area for kids. This can help to keep them entertained while their parents enjoy their coffee. If you’re trying to appeal to college students and young professionals, you may want to offer free Wi-Fi and a place to study or work.

Permits and Licenses

Check with your local authorities to determine what permits and licenses you’ll need to operate your business. You may need a permit to serve food or alcohol, depending on the type of café you’re planning to open. You’ll also need to obtain a license if you plan on playing music in your café. Some of these permits and License are:

  • Business Permit
  • Retail Food Service License
  • Sign Permit
  • Food Handler’s Permit
  • Live Entertainment License

Marketing Your Café

Some offline marketing ideas include distributing flyers and posters in your local community and placing ads in local newspapers or magazines. You can also offer discounts or promotions to attract new customers.

When it comes to online marketing, you’ll want to create a strong social media presence for your home café. Start by setting up accounts on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Then, post regular updates and share engaging content with your followers. You can also use paid advertising to reach a wider audience.

Final Thoughts

Starting your own home-based business can be challenging, but it’s also exciting. You get to be your own boss, set your own hours, and work from the comfort of your home. Home cafés are unique businesses everyone will love because of our love of coffee, so follow these tips to help get your business off the ground.

Remember that it takes hard work and dedication to make any business successful, so don’t give up when things get tough.

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