trucks at a warehouse

Will Self-Driving Trucks Reduce Accidents?

Trucking is a dangerous job. People who drive trucks for a living have one of the highest rates of fatal injuries of any profession.

Because they work for several hours, without rest or without stopping, truck drivers can easily fall asleep at the wheel. This is especially dangerous because a truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds (36.29 ton). In some cases, an accident is not their fault. Another driver or vehicle may cause them to lose control.

Many trucking companies have been working hard to prevent these accidents. They have installed devices in trucks that keep the drivers awake and alert. They have also trained their drivers on how to stay safe while driving.

But trucking accidents still happen. Victims and their loved ones want justice, so they sue everyone involved in a trucking accident. Lawyers are available to represent those who have been injured by these large vehicles.

Will self-driving trucks reduce the number of accidents on our roads?

What Self-Driving Cars Can Do

Safer highways may lead to a safer trucking industry, say experts.

It is certainly possible that self-driving trucks will reduce the number of accidents on our roads. These vehicles are able to brake much more quickly than a human driver can, and they can also swerve to avoid obstacles in the road.

Humans are fallible. Machines are not. When the control of the vehicle is given to a computer, it is far less likely to make a mistake. A lot of accidents occur because of driver error.

Manufacturers, therefore, believe that autonomous vehicles will be much safer than those driven by humans.

In the trucking industry, in particular, one of the most common problems that cause an accident is driver fatigue. A driver who has to drive without stopping to meet a deadline is at risk of falling asleep at the wheel

Self-driving trucks will be able to avoid this danger. They can drive for long periods of time without getting tired. They will also be able to communicate with other vehicles on the road so that they can avoid accidents

Drivers would be able to rest while the truck drives itself. This would help them to stay alert while they are driving.

Moreover, companies prefer self-driving trucks before they are efficient. They can travel toward their destination without stopping for rest or food. They would save time and money on shipping costs.

What Self-Driving Trucks Can’t Do

But self-driving vehicles are not perfect. At least, not yet. There are still some things that they cannot do.

For example, self-driving trucks cannot handle bad weather as efficiently as a human driver can. Icy roads are a major concern because they can cause the truck to lose traction. In severe weather conditions, it is better for a human driver to take control of the vehicle.

Self-driving trucks also cannot make decisions based on intuition. They rely on GPS data and sensors to navigate the roads. If something unexpected happens, they may not be able to respond quickly enough or make the wrong judgment call. This is why current self-driving cars require drivers to sit behind the wheel. The goal is that they can intervene when an accident is inevitable.

Trucks that are driven by computers are also more likely to be hacked than those that are driven by humans. Cybersecurity is a major concern for companies that want to introduce autonomous vehicles into their fleets.

Cybersecurity is a huge problem because trucks carry a lot of cargo. They are a tempting target for criminals who want to steal goods or money. Hackers could also disable the truck or take it over completely. This is another reason why self-driving trucks are not yet ready to hit the road.

Trucking companies will need to find a way to solve these problems before self-driving trucks can be widely used on our roads.

When Will Self-Driving Trucks Become the Norm?

It is still unclear when self-driving trucks will become the norm. There are already vehicles being tested on major highways, but there are a lot of obstacles that need to be overcome before they can be widely used.

But the potential benefits of these vehicles are clear. They can reduce the number of accidents on our roads, save companies money, and make the trucking industry safer for everyone involved. It is only a matter of time before these vehicles become mainstream.

So, will self-driving trucks reduce the number of accidents on our roads? The answer is yes — but there are still some things that need to be worked out before they can become widespread.

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